2.9 Zadie Smith and Haruki Murakami: Future Classics

2.9 Zadie Smith and Haruki Murakami: Future Classics

Hello and welcome back to The Community Library! This week’s episode is continuing the theme from way back in December: Classics! In this episode, I analyse and compare Zadie Smith’s White Teeth and Haruki Murakami’s Norwegian Wood, and what makes both of them future classics.

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2.7 "He's Not Bad at Writing": Thoughts on Shakespeare with Laurence

2.7 "He's Not Bad at Writing": Thoughts on Shakespeare with Laurence

This week, keeping in theme with the idea of “classics”, my friend Laurence and I are talking all things Shakespeare. Laurence is a self-confessed Shakespeare nerd (or “Bardophile”, as he likes to be called), so I was very excited to have him on the podcast to talk about his old friend Billy Shakes.

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2.6 From Dickens to Woolf: What is a Classic?

2.6 From Dickens to Woolf: What is a Classic?

Welcome back to The Community Library, and to a whole new theme for this month! December’s theme is Classics, and we’re kicking it off with an episode that asks: what is a classic? I talk about Homer, Austen, Shelley, Dickens, Wilde, Woolf, Fitzgerald, Lee, and many, many more.

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