2.9 Zadie Smith and Haruki Murakami: Future Classics


Hello and welcome back to The Community Library! This week’s episode is continuing the theme from way back in December: Classics! In this episode, I analyse and compare Zadie Smith’s White Teeth and Haruki Murakami’s Norwegian Wood, and what makes both of them future classics.

Listen to the episode here

Download the full transcript here

  • Other episodes pertaining to the theme of Classics

  • Episode 2.6 – From Dickens to Woolf: What is a Classic?

  • Episode 2.7 – “He’s Not Bad at Writing”: Thoughts on Shakespeare with Laurence

The Community Library Awards 2019 blog post in which I talk about why Zadie Smith was my favourite author in 2019.


2.10 Harry Potter vs The Brand


2.8 Feel-Good Reads for Self-Isolation