1.14 Does Fiction Exist in the Wizarding World?


Welcome back to The Community Library! Last week I delivered an emergency episode because I wasn’t happy with the how the first draft of this episode turned out. Thank you so much for being patient! After putting more time and effort in, I’m really proud of the result of this episode. This week, I’m talking all about fiction, or rather the lack thereof, in Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. I had lots of fun making this one, and I hope you enjoy listening!

Listen to the episode here!

Download a full transcription of the episode here

The next discussion pick is ARoom of One's Own by Virginia Woolf.


Featured image is the Ravenclaw 20th Anniversary Edition of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone by J. K. Rowling. Image provided by Pottermore.


1.16 What I Read in June


1.13 Opinions on Austen, Harry Potter, and Shakespeare with Kalliope