1.4 Female Friendships with Bonnie


Welcome back! This week, I sat down with Bonnie (who also featured in episode 1) and we discussed our favourite female friendships in books. From Matilda and Miss Honey to Anne Shirley and Diana Barry, female friendships in books are so important and wonderful, and we loved recording this episode for you. Let us know your favourite female friendships in books!

Listen to the episode here!

Download the full transcription here

Join me next week for a discussion on Watch Us Rise by Renée Watson and Ellen Hagan!

Books mentioned (in order of their mentioning)

Rik and Milly’s podcast: Yonks Ago

Featured image: This is a picture of Bonnie and me in early 2016. We've been friends for six years, and I've seen Bonnie rock many different hairstyles during that time. The shaved head was one of the most iconic ones. My hair has basically stayed the same.


1.6 Watch Us Rise Above the Haters with Kali


1.3 Pulp - "We're Not There Yet, But it's Better" with Maija